Affordable Same day Pick-up and Delivery service

Affordable Same day Pick-up and Delivery service

Affordable Same day Pick-up and Delivery service
/24 miles + $25 delivery fee

Fee example (if your delivery is 1 to 24 miles your total cost is $31, if 25 miles then cost is $37 etc...

We will pick up and deliver within radius 30 miles of Providence, RI.

Parcels must be:

  1. 60lbs. or less
  2. dimensions within
  3. 30"x30"x30"
  4. properly sealed for transport

All scheduled Service must be as follows:

  1. parcel ready for pickup and receiver aware of delivery
  2. deliveries to apartment complexes must have contact phone number of receiver.
  3. if no receiver is present, parcel will be placed in or at mailbox, door, or upon additional payment returned to sender within 24 hours.
  4. The delivery will be photographed and sent to sender as verification of service completion.

CAll with any inquires about this service

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Contact Me

Office location

Cranston, Rhode Island

Give us a call

(401) 326-4330

Send us an email

[email protected]